Rose Hill-Magnolia EBOB
What is EBOB?
Elementary Battle of the Books, or EBOB, is a program designed to encourage reading and expose students to quality literature by well known authors. In a game show format, team members answer questions from selected books in a competition against teams from other Duplin County schools.
Who are the EBOB coaches?
Mrs. Kilpatrick (Librarian)
Who can participate in EBOB?
Any student in 4th or 5th grade can try out for the EBOB team.
What do I have to do to try out for the team?
*Study and do well on the Title and Author matching quiz TBA
How will the final EBOB team be chosen?
The team can have up to 12 members. The Title/Author quiz, Comprehensive tests, and student motivation will be used to determine who makes the team.
What if I lose my book list or permission slip?
Both are available on the RH-M website under “Activities and Clubs” and “Battle of the Books”. ******************************************************************************
Homeroom Teacher __________________________
I give permission for my child to try out for Rose Hill-Magnolia’s Elementary Battle of the Books team.
Parent’s Signature ____________________________Date___________