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Beta Club By-Laws


Rose Hill – Magnolia Elementary School

Beta Club By-Laws

Article I – Name
The name of this organization is Rose Hill-Magnolia Elementary School Chapter of the National Beta Club (RH-M Beta Club).

Article II - Affiliation
RH-M Beta Club is a part of the National Beta Club, and will be governed by the academic and financial policies laid down in the National Beta Constitution. The coat-of-arms, motto (“Let us lead by serving others.”), colors (old gold and black), creed, and official insignia will be those of the National Beta Club. 
Article III – Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to promote the scholarship, leadership, and good citizenship of students at Rose Hill-Magnolia. 

Article IV – Membership
Beta Club members will be 4th - 8th graders who have a 90 or higher average (with no grade lower than 80) on the previous year end of grade report card or after the completion of the first semester, and demonstrate worthy character and commendable attitude.  

Article V - Loss of Membership
A member may be dropped from membership if
            - he/she has a report card grade lower than 80 or a grading period average below 90 for two grading periods*
            - he/she is suspended from the bus OR school
            - he/she has two incidents resulting in being bounced or referred to the office

            - the Principal and Beta Club Sponsor(s) agree that a member’s actions have been severe enough to warrant such a decision.

*The first time a member has a report card grade below 80 or an average below 90, he/she will be placed on probation.  If either situation arises again, he/she will be dropped from Beta Club for the remainder of the school year.

 Article VI - Service Projects
The RH-M Beta Club will endeavor to benefit the school and its students by upholding high standards of honesty and good citizenship. In addition, the club will undertake projects which will benefit the school. Projects will be decided upon by the Beta Club members with the approval of the Sponsor and Principal. 

Article VII - Local Dues
There will be no local dues for the RH-M Beta Club, only the $15 that is required for membership into the National Beta Club. ($15 covers 4th and 5th grade Elementary Beta membership, and $15 covers 6th-8th grade Junior Membership.) Members will be expected to pay the cost of special events such as attending the state convention; however the club will hold fundraisers to help lower the cost.
Article VIII – Officers
The officers of the RH-M Beta Club will be president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.

The president will preside at the meetings, appoint committees, and represent the club when necessary.

The vice-president will assist the president and preside at meetings if the president is absent.

The secretary will keep a record of membership and attendance, record the minutes of the meetings, carry on necessary club correspondence, and publicize the club’s activities in the school and local newspapers.

The treasurer will assist the Sponsor in keeping a record of financial matters, collecting the club's funds, and paying the club's obligations.